Day at the park...

Here are some quick sketches from my day with Lindsay at Marine World just outside of San Fran this weekend. Hit up some good coasters and had some pritty amazing garlic fries...I will post up some figure work too from tonight's drawing class later this week.


Just got word today that Lindsay got a contract to work up at Pixar! Great work Lindsay, I knew ya could do it.

Figure class.

Here are some quick scans of some drawings done tonight. I tried to use more connecting shapes tonight to see if I could make things overlap abit more...Not sure if its working yet.

Little Miss Sunshine.

I recently saw Little Miss Sunshine, and it was great. The acting was extremely good from the family that just kept hitting hardtimes over and over. Here is a little sketch I did that is inspired from the relationship that grows between the younger brother and sister. Check it out, its a good laugh.

One down, many more to follow.

Just finished and handed off my first shot for a feature film. This has been a very exciting week for me and I can't wait to continue on the next set of shots.


Here are a few sketches I have been doing to fill the time while the computer calcs frames.This is just of a space monkey running away from NASA...No clue what I was trin to do with color in photoshop... This is a character design that sprang up from my memory of Guillermo Careaga's designs over the years at RSAD. Just simple, fun, and yes his name is G-Money. (Not to get confused with the real G-Money.)This came up from my frequent visits to Starbucks. Its crazy in my recent travels I didn't really realize just how many Lindsay and I have been in.


Moments ago I had my first shot approved for final. Now its onto polishing and final touches. I do have some shifting around to do with it. Which I guess isn't much but to me is pretty significant. So I'll move stuff around and get some feedback on it to make sure the lead and sup are happy with it. Hopfully in a day or two I'll report back my first shot being 100% done!


Here are some sketches from Figure nights at the studio and some random drawings. I'm trying to make myself use brush pens more often so that I'm thinking of my lines before I do them. Plus it gets me out of the habit of erasing lines over and over. In the end I'm just trying to get a little more control out of my hand and eye coordination.

Cool music videos...

Here is a cool link to a Sigur Ros music video - Glosoli.
Thom Yorke - Clock.
Uncle - Rabbit In Your Headlights.
Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into Dark.
RHCP cover a beegees song - How Deep Is Your Love?

(Dial ups watch out sense the files are kinda large.)