Monday drawing class.

Sorry for the lack of updates the past week or so. Here are some sketches from this Mondays drawing class during lunch. Once again it was awesome! The vibe in the room was great, everyone cracking jokes, pushing drawings, adding little story touches to each sketch. The list keeps going! Sadly my sketches aren't anywhere near the level of character that some of the artists crafted that day.

Note: One interesting thing I over heard during the class is pulling the pencil, pen, brush what ever your using towards you. Letting the line cascade down your figure to help keep things flowing. It helped me that day to really lay in large lines that got me on my way.

Zoo and a link.

This for all the KFP guys at work.(dialup users beware.)

The zoo was a great trip, and worth the 2.5 hour drive. Lindsay and I got to see some interesting animals but alas the show stopper of the day was the Polar Bear. I'll attach some pics below of him playing around.

Fun link and my first animation note!

Stumbled across this link...I wish I had moves like that. (Video link so Dialup beware.)

This week finished out pretty well I think. Let go of two shots, and I will be launched on another two next week. Spent today just exploring poses, and seeing what I could do with the facial shapes on our main character. Also we had a studio wide update and things look awesome! Look for some great movies from Dreamworks in the next few years ahead. I'm really excited to be part of the studio, and hope that they will allow me to stay on and keep helping out. Well I'm off to explore the San Diego Zoo this weekend so lookout for some drawings of that.

Animation Note: what does your negative space look like? First I just thought of keeping your silhouettes clean and readable. But what about creating rhythm or design with your negative shapes...Putting a hand on a hip or scratching ones head can give great triangle shapes which can sometimes help keep the viewers eyes on our characters. Just in my few months on the job I have seen some awesome, and extremely creative uses of this in poses. Try it out! Its something I'm getting into myself, and hope that it can give my shots a stronger visual appeal.

This weeks figure work.

Here is this weeks figure work from the night classes at the studio. Mostly 8-10 min poses. I want to start posting up some thoughts and notes on animation too. I'm typing up a post on how my outlook on my old ways of keying characters in 3D is starting to take on some new perspectives. After seeing different techniques some of animators at work use to block their shots and take them to final. So look for that soon, as well as some more sketches and adventures.

Today's Drawings Class.

Here are some sketches from today's drawing class during lunch. The teacher is one of the story artists at work (I'll make sure to get his name up soon.) It was great to hear everyone laughing and adding little flourishes
to the sketches. I will definitely be going back for more if my work schedule can allow for it.

Fun link.

Here is a link to a site that is pritty cool, called SketchSwap. Try it out and see what you get back after a little sketchin. Thanks J.

A couple sketches.

The first sketch is inspired by Willy, one of the guys I work with. He has recently done a few western/police line up drawings and I just went with the cool shapes he was playing with. This next one is of a kid I saw waiting to cross the street one day while out and about in Glendale. I hope to do some more location sketching this weekend with Lindsay when she comes down. Its always good to get some bucks and draw...
Also below are two figure pages that I grabbed off the pile in my room. Nothing great, but I'm attempting new things each week. I'm trying to watch people draw, to understand how they go about laying the ground work for their gestures. Its been great viewing people after hours during figure because everyone is at such an amazing level.

Jay Leno.

Lindsay and I were on our way to have some dinner today and we happened to cross in front of Jay Leno. Who was driving what appeared to be a steam powered car...Not 100% on that but it was pritty fun lookin.

I'm also going to start posting up some thoughts on animation techniques that seem to ever changing in my mind. So that is on its way, as well as additional sketches and such.

Hope everyone had a great three day weekend.