One for the road.

I'll be heading out of town for the next two weeks and wanted to put up a couple figure drawings that have been collecting dust.

I'm very excited about the next couple weeks where I will be doing as much drawing and photography as I can fit in! I'll be stopping at home for abit where I hope to get in some watercolors and landscape photography. Then its off to Hong Kong with Lindsay to visit her cousin and to see all that architecture which has enthralled me sense the very first glimpse of its towering buildings from photos. If all goes well I should come back with some nice additions to the old blog and some new perspectives over on flickr. Hope everyone is doing well, and see you all in two weeks!

huntington library.

Just spent some of the day over at the Huntington Library! Great place, and the grounds are HUGE. As the day went on it got hotter and hotter so we ducked into some of the AC'ed galleries and I managed to do a quick sketch of a sculpture I found to be very cool. They had great displays of paintings, to books, to the different gardens hidden around the grounds. I'll be going back but when it cools abit. I'll be posting some of the photography I snapped there too in the coming days over on flickr.

Heather, Chris, Gottie, and Jack.

Heather and Chris have two awesome dogs! Big ol Gottie, and Little crazy Jack. Heather asked if I would want to try my hand at doing a photo shoot with them and the dogs. I jumped at the chance! Being my first shoot I didn't really know what to expect with lighting, posing, or even what heather might of wanted. But they were all really open to just having fun and trying my best to capture some fun moments with their boys. I hope the images came out nice and it was what they were looking for.

Thanks to Heather and Chris for letting me try my hand at this, and good luck up in San Fran.

Dave's gesture class.

Few more drawings for the old blog. Enjoy!

One year, two months, and 10 days.

That is the time spent working on the first film of my career. Bee Movie here at Dreamworks Animation! Today I "wrapped" animation on the film, granted over the next couple weeks I might be doing small fixes here and there. To sum up my experience here... It wont fit into a single post but I can say it has been one of highlight's of my life thus far. Just a little over a year of leaving Ringling I have had the chance to work with amazingly talented animators, artists, and yes even Jerry Seinfeld. All on a daily basis!

I owe allot of thanks to the crew, Ringling, and my family. I can't wait for November 2ND to hit, and actually see it all together. I'm extremely proud to have been a part of it. Now its onto the next film, and to continue to push my animation skills.

Here are a couple pics that Travis Price (artist/resident photographer at DWA) took of the anim crew.

This was a quote from one of my fellow animators that has stuck with me sense my first weeks, "Believe in the characters you work with."

Catching up round 2

Here are a few sketches from Tuesday night figure sessions and Dave Pimentel's gesture class. More to come.

A couple sketches from the break side.

Hello everyone, I know its been awhile sense I have updated the old blog! BUT, here are a couple sketches. Hope everyone is doing well, and had a chance to make it out to Comic Con. It was crazy! In a week or two things should calm down abit at work (the film should wrap in animation!) and my posts will be more frequent.